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Cytotoxicity Assays

June 11, 2019

Spot light on Cytotoxicity

Cytotoxicity is defined as the ability of an agent to produce a toxic effect on a cell. Cytotoxicity assays are used to test the ability of cells to continue proliferating in the presence of a test compound or substance over a specific time period. 

Cell based viability assessment with the choice of various tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic cell lines. Two end point analysis options are available:
• MTT (metabolic activity)
• Hoechst 33342/Propidium iodide dual staining analysed using the ImageXpress Micro XLS

BioAssaix News

June 11, 2019
The MNRG is a dedicated and diverse group of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers in the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology at the Nelson Mandela University. We specialise in in vitro disease models using medicinal plants and natural products of interest to determine their therapeutic potential as well as their safety and efficacy profile.
June 11, 2019
Our new exciting addition to the established cell laboratory facility is the zebrafish (Danio rerio) breeding facility (Ethics clearance number: A19-SCI-BCM-002). The zebrafish has gained intense popularity as a vertebrate in vivo model for the testing of a multitude of disease scenarios including a range of organ toxicities. It has been recently established that the level of biomedical organization of vertebrates such as fish are similar to that of rodents having only minor variations and at a molecular level, very few differences between human and fish have been found. Zebrafish eggs (up to 4 days post fertilization) can be used to test your product of interest.
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